Friday 16 October 2009

First Impressions and Why I don't like them.

As I an aspiring writer, I don't believe the first page should be written first - it should be written last, and I'm never to sure about first impressions anyway. As one of my many unpublished protagonists says

" I don’t believe in first impressions. I never have. You always learn more about a person on the second visit than you do on the first. Then you learn even more on the third, then the forth.
Sometime after that a law of diminishing returns kicks in."

None of which helps me start a blog. So here is what I will write about
Books I read.. and occasionally write
The occasional film and play I see
The heroes and idiots I read about, and occasionally meet

(All starting tonight with a play about the Bronte sisters but i'll have to be nice because one friend is in the cast and another directs.)

Otherwise it will be the most interesting set of notes on life you will ever read by a Leeds based It person of 'worker-rank' who delivers and discusses for the Liberal Democrat Party and can get a bit excited should Gillingham FC ever win a match

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