Saturday 6 February 2010

Was John Terry 'sacked'?

This entry will be short because I don't quite share the 'fascination' that most of the media display on the recent Goings-On in the life of the now former england captain.

And I mean 'Display'... No one can know if any journalist cares about any subjeect passed whether it will sell 'The Paper'..

For me the only people who should care are the people involved - John Terry's wife, Wayne Bridge maybe.

The counter argument is that John Terry is a role model? But is he? He is a football player and I'm sure many young players want to play like him, but expecting professional sportmen to be the paragons of virtue is unrealistic - Quite the reverse in fact. The pedestals on which we place our sporting heroes is always likely to make them thing they are a case apart, that the standards 'lesser mortals' live by don't apply to them.. A more extreme case is Marlon King, who even stated to his victim that he was 'worth more' than her.

Another line from the reports is that Terry has been 'Sacked'.

No he hasn't. He is still earning a salary from Chelsea far in excess than I'll ever earn. Playing for England isn't a job, its an honour and its awarded each time a match is coming up; Being captain of that team is just a further role decided after the team is picked. Unlike a Cricket captain, is prefers no particular responsibility to team selection or tactics. A football captain just has to gee the players up a bit.

So it is that I've no strong interest in who is the England football captain - and I am an (armchair/barstool) fan of the England team. The fall out is now we have a captian who a relatively short time ago thought he was above the sports drug testing rules. Progress, eh?

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