Sunday 16 January 2011

Months after the party

Nick, Vince and Simon met behind the bicycle shed to discuss the problem now facing their gang.

Several months ago, the gang had agreed to help the Prefects tidy up the mess in the Sixth Form Common Room.

This wasn’t popular with many of the gang members because the Prefects were a very snooty bunch who liked to look down on people who were not Prefects. It was widely believed across the whole school that the Prefects thought they should have special privileges just because their parents were rich.

But it was certainly true that the common room was in a mess and it did seem like the grown up thing to out help tidy up, so the gang had agreed to lend a hand.

The reason for the bad mess was the Social Committee had thrown a massive party. Many in the school had enjoyed the party until it was discovered how much it had cost. What made it worse was when it was discovered that some of the Social Committee (and ironically some of the prefects too) had used the budget to buy their favourite CD’s and taken them home with them. Worst of all the A-Level Business Studies class has borrowed from the teachers to pay for the party, but had bet the whole lot on the horses, and lost it. Now the teachers were asking for their money back, and blaming the whole school. The Business Studies class said they would move to another school if they were asked to pay it back.

There were rumours about bad the situation was before Nick and his gang offered to help tidy up, but none of them had known how bleak the situation was. It still seemed like the grown-up thing to do but the trouble was now Nick’s Gang were the most unpopular students in the school.

The prefects were doing fine. Most of the school didn’t like them to start with, and the one’s that did thought it right the whole school should suffer for the actions of the prefects, and many of their supporters worked to the School Newspaper and they would put out messages saying the mess wasn’t the prefects fault.

The Business studies class were happy because although they weren’t popular (which they never expected to be anyway) they were beginning to realise they had got away with it.

The Social Committee were happy too. They’d taken themselves off to the pub after the party, and only started coming back after the dust settled. Many of them worked for the school magazine, so they could put out the message that it was Nick’s gang who were the real Meanies for not letting the school have any more parties until the mess was cleared up. Who had organised the mess was already being forgotten.

A story has been placed in the Magazine that Nick and the Head Prefect were buddies because they lived on the same street. Admittedly this was on the richer side of town, so now no one listened to Nick when he said he was just trying to do the right thing.

Then, during the lunchtime just passed, Unready Eddy the new chair of the Social Committee had addressed a group of Nick’s gang suggesting they all left the gang and worked for the Social Committee, so that more fun could be had as soon as possible, never mind the cost, and wasn’t that Nick a meanie!

Nick, Vince and Simon, who had been least keen on joining the prefects anyway, read the list of options they had written out. It was not an encouraging list.

To be continued… well maybe.